Work package 7: Stakeholder dialogue and the provision of knowledge

Leader: GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel

Dr. David Keller // GEOMAR
Dr. Judith Ziegler (formerly Meyer) // GEOMAR

Dr. Javier Lezaun // University of Oxford

Dr. Markus Schartau // GEOMAR (since 10/2024)
Dr. Henry Göhlich // GEOMAR
(since 11/2024)

WP7 is designed to (1) establish a dialogue with stakeholders, (2) enable the synthesis and facilitation of science that cuts across work packages, and (3) conducted dissemination, communication, and help facilitate exploitation of project results. The stakeholder dialogue will be facilitated by establishing a Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) to maintain a two-way communication between the project’s research team and the stakeholders. Formalized approaches, such as impact and activity planning, will be used to maintain and maximize communication with stakeholders. Through the dialogue, OceanNETs expertise and results will be reflexively combined with existing stakeholder knowledge and expertise, i.e., exploring the co-development of products with relevant constituencies.


  1. Establish a project-wide stakeholder dialogue to inform the project’s research, shape its final outcomes (e.g. ensure the results are relevant for different audiences), and facilitate dissemination and exploitation of the results.
  2. Synthesize knowledge on OceanNETs results for dissemination, communication, and exploitation, as well as use within the project.
    • Support major international scientific assessments such as the IPCC.
    • Prepare results for decision and policy makers towards management of the Earth system.
  3. Disseminate, communicate, and help ensure exploitation of project results.
  4. Enable cross-cutting activities, including the development of a sustainable development goals evaluation framework and protocols for responsible innovation within the consortium.