Stakeholder reference group

The OceanNETs project seeks to establish a dialogue with a diverse group of key stakeholders to give the project a chance to seek feedback on planned research and dissemination activities throughout its development.

We strive to ensure that the Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) is balanced, i.e., between various stakeholder groups such as those from policy, industry, academia, NGOs, civil society; regional/global; gender, etc. The SRG will be engaged with the project throughout its lifetime to maintain a two-way communication between the project’s research team and its stakeholders. In turn, the SRG members will benefit from increased knowledge and understanding of ocean-based negative emission technologies. Through the dialogue, OceanNETs expertise and results will be reflexively combined with existing stakeholder knowledge and expertise, i.e., exploring the co-development of products with relevant constituencies.

Who should be involved?

Stakeholders interested in 1) increasing their knowledge and understanding of OceanNETs, 2) engaging in a dialogue with the OceanNETs consortium and 3) collaborating to co-develop research approaches and products, are invited to join the Reference Group.


All stakeholders can expect the following benefits form the participation in the OceanNETs SRG:

  • Networking opportunities across Europe, the US and beyond
  • Acquiring better knowledge and understanding of ocean-based NETs
  • Gaining insights into the degree of (and factors affecting) social and political acceptance, affordability, and societal impacts and risks of ocean-based NETs
  • Obtaining information on the most effective ocean-based NETs with low environmental and ecological risks (e.g., to biodiversity, ecosystem services) and high co-benefits
  • Having access to cutting-edge research and the latest information on ocean-based NETs
  • Gaining information and feedback that can be utilized immediately when making decisions and for strategic planning
  • Opportunities to co-development research with the OceanNETs consortium and contribute to our project’s outputs through your input, ideas and desires

For further information, please check the Reference Group Activity Description

If you would like to apply to join the OceanNETs Stakeholder Reference Group, please complete the following form. If you would like to join but prefer to remain anonymous to everyone but us, please state so below.

*If desired SRG members may remain known only to the OceanNETs consortium.
Data will be processed and stored according to EU General Data Protection Regulations