Research data

Landing pages listing raw and yet unpublished research data/code during numerical simulations and experiments generated and used by OceanNETs work packages (e.g. in laboratory or ocean based mesocosms).
Access is granted to project partners or upon request directed at prinicipal investigator or contact persons.

Source WPPrincipal Investigator(s)Link
Numerical Simulations (D4.5; D4.6; D4.7)WP4(see landing page)OSIS Overview
Dissolution Experiments (D5.1)WP5Niels SuitnerOSIS Overview
KOSMOS 2021 Gran Canaria Mesocosm Experiment (D5.4)WP5Ulf RiebesellOSIS Overview / FILES
KOSMOS 2021 Gran Canaria Mesocosm Experiment (D5.4) – 16 Datasets (in review)WP5Ulf RiebesellOverview at PANGAEA WDC
KOSMOS 2022 Bergen Mesocosm Experiment (D5.5)WP5Ulf RiebesellOverview / FILES
KOSMOS 2022 Bergen Mesocosm Experiment (D5.5) – 2 Datasets (in review)WP5Ulf RiebesellOverview at PANGAEA WDC
Please note that datasets and code are work in progress and available only to project partners or upon request

List of published research data and code generated by OceanNETs work packages

Deliverable / Milestone TitleWPContactLink
Database and report on currently already existing or announced ocean NETs projects, including a world map of projects (D1.8)WP1Wilfried RickelsDATA
Software developed to assess carbon accounting schemes for ocean-based NETs (MS14)WP1Marius PaschenCODE
Report on skill of CMIP6 models to simulate alkalinity and improved parameterizations for large scale alkalinity distribution (D4.4)WP4Judith HauckDATA CODE
First model simulations with the LO–OBREcoM at local ocean sites (D4.5 / MS7)WP4Christoph VölkerDATA CODE
First results from dissolution experiments available to guide alkalinization field experiment (D5.1 / MS11)WP5Niels SuitnerDATA
New / improved model parameterizations for responses in phytoplankton growth and calcification to changes in alkalinity implemented (D4.5 / MS35)WP4Miriam SeifertDATA
Analysis (report) of high-resolution modelling of efficacy, and regional impacts of selected ocean NETs close to the deployment sites (D4.3)WP4David KellerDATA
New/refined parameterizations for modelling ocean alkalinization effects on biogeochemistry and plankton dynamics (D5.8)WP5Markus SchartauDATA
Please refer to list of publications for full citation of datasets / code