Deliv. # | Deliverable name | WP # | Lead | Type | Month due | Reports Data Code |
D1.1 | Working paper on the numerical modelling framework to compare different accounting schemes | WP1 | IfW | O | 12 | LINK |
D1.2 | Report on appropriateness of accounting schemes to assign carbon credits to ocean NETs | WP1 | IfW | R | 36 | LINK |
D1.3 | Report on the expert workshop on current and future costs and learn curves | WP1 | FMI | R | 30 | LINK |
D1.4 | Report on operational and overall economic cost development for various ocean NETs | WP1 | FMI | R | 36 | LINK |
D1.5 | Working paper published on NETs in strategically interacting regions based on simulation and analysis in an extended ACE model | WP1 | IfW | O | 24 | LINK |
D1.6 | Working paper published on forwardlooking ecologicaleconomic integrated assessment model | WP1 | IfW | O | 36 | LINK |
D1.7 | Report on the future contribution of ocean NETs in different climate policies | WP1 | UiO | R | 46 | LINK |
D1.8 | Database and report on currently already existing or announced ocean NETs projects, including a world map of projects | WP1 | IfW | R | 24 | LINK DATA |
D2.1 | Report on comparative case studies | WP2 | RIFS | R | 38 | LINK |
D2.2 | Report on global connections in ocean NETs | WP2 | RIFS | R | 41 | LINK |
D2.3 | Summary report on Workshop 1 on governance for oceanbased NETs | WP2 | RIFS | R | 21 | LINK |
D2.4 | Summary report on Workshop 2 on governance for oceanbased NETs | WP2 | RIFS | R | 33 | LINK |
D2.5 | Report on regional and global governance challenges and opportunities for emerging ocean-based NETs | WP2 | RIFS | R | 38 | LINK |
D2.6 | Policy brief identifying challenges and opportunities for emerging ocean-based NETs in regional and global ocean governance frameworks targeted to EU and global policy makers | WP2 | RIFS | R | 41 | LINK |
D2.7 | Report on attribution of private conduct to States in relation to ocean-based NETS under the international law of the sea | WP2 | UHAM | R | 17 | LINK |
D2.8 | Report on future legal regulation of oceanbased NETs | WP2 | UHAM | R | 28 | LINK |
D3.1 | Summary report on Workshop 1 laypersons’ perceptions of marine NETs | WP3 | IfW | R | 6 | LINK |
D3.2 | Summary report on Workshop 2 laypersons’ perceptions of the mesocosm experiments | WP3 | IfW | R | 10 | LINK |
D3.3 | Working paper on NETs perception and prioritization as a result of the deliberative workshops with laypeople | WP3 | IfW | R | 13 | LINK |
D3.4 | Report on public perception in deliberative workshops, laboratory experiments, and interviews | WP3 | NORCE | R | 20 | LINK |
D3.5 | Report on public perception crosscountry surveys | WP3 | IfW | R | 34 | LINK |
D3.6 | Synthesis report on deliberative workshops, lab experiments, interviews and crosscountry surveys | WP3 | NORCE | R | 42 | LINK |
D4.1 | Quantification of “constrained” potential of ocean NETs, i.e. deployment rates consistent with planetary boundaries, UN sustainable development goals, and public acceptance | WP4 | GEOMAR | R | 24 | LINK |
D4.2 | Report on modifications of ocean carbon cycle feedbacks under ocean alkalinization | WP4 | NORCE | R | 18 | LINK |
D4.3 | Analysis (report) of high-resolution modelling of efficacy, and regional impacts of selected ocean NETs close to the deployment sites | WP4 | GEOMAR | R | 36 | LINK DATA |
D4.4 | Report on skill of CMIP6 models to simulate alkalinity and improved parameterizations for large scale alkalinity distribution | WP4 | AWI | R | 24 | LINK DATA CODE |
D4.5 | New / improved model parameterizations for responses in phytoplankton growth and calcification to changes in alkalinity implemented | WP4 | AWI | O | 30 | LINK DATA CODE |
D4.6 | ESM data-set on multiple ocean NET simulations | WP4 | FMI | D | 42 | LINK DATA |
D4.7 | Open access dataset of ESM simulations of combined land- and ocean-based NETs | WP4 | NTNU | R | 42 | LINK DATA |
D4.8 | Report on carbon cycle interactions and efficacy of land-based NETs (e.g. BECCS), when combined with oceanic NETs (individually or in a portfolio) | WP4 | NTNU | R | 46 | LINK |
D4.9 | Report on analysis of ESM data with a focus on full carbon cycle interactions- e.g. how do oceanic-based NETs affect terrestrial carbon uptake? | WP4 | NTNU | R | 46 | <LINK> |
D5.1 | Data set on the dissolution experiments available | WP5 | UHAM | Data | 30 | LINK |
D5.2 | Report on principle kinetic behaviour of selected materials for ocean alkalinization purposes | WP5 | UHAM | R | 36 | LINK |
D5.3 | Report on parameterizing seasonal response patterns in primary- and net community production to ocean alkalinization | WP5 | GEOMAR | R | 13 | LINK |
D5.4 | Comprehensive data set on ecological and biogeochemical responses of a low latitude oligotrophic ocean system to a gradient of alkalinization intensities | WP5 | GEOMAR | Data | 24 | LINK |
D5.5 | Comprehensive data set on ecological and biogeochemical responses of a temperate zone neritic system to olivine and lime addition | WP5 | GEOMAR | Data | 36 | |
D5.6 | Report on data workshop of ocean alkalinization mesocosm experiment in a low latitude oligotrophic ocean system | WP5 | GEOMAR | R | 32 | LINK |
D5.7 | Report on data workshop of ocean alkalinisation mesocosm experiment in a temperate zone neritic system | WP5 | GEOMAR | R | 42 | <LINK> |
D5.8 | New/refined parameterizations for modelling ocean alkalinization effects on biogeochemistry and plankton dynamics | WP5 | GEOMAR | R | 42 | LINK |
D6.1 | Stylized case-study descriptions for use in stakeholder/ public engagement activities, and generally throughout the consortium | WP6 | UOXF | R | 12 | LINK |
D6.2 | Realistic deployment scenarios/pathways that can be used to constrain Earth System models | WP6 | HWU | R | 12 | LINK |
D6.3 | Summary report on meeting of WP6 case studies stakeholder groups | WP6 | UOXF | R | 12 | LINK |
D6.4 | Report on the detailed lifecycle analysis results of the two casestudies | WP6 | HWU | R | 36 | LINK |
D6.5 | Production of policy briefs based on the results of the two casestudies | WP6 | UOXF | R | 46 | <LINK> |
D6.6 | Report on case studies results | WP6 | HWU | R | 46 | <LINK> |
D7.1 | Summary report on deliberative workshop with stakeholders on mesocosm research in the Canary Islands | WP7 | UOXF | R | 3 | LINK |
D7.2 | Summary report on deliberative workshop with stakeholders on mesocosm research in Norway | WP7 | UOXF | R | 24 | LINK |
D7.3 | Web-based SRG platform established | WP7 | GEOMAR | R | 12 | LINK |
D7.4 | Report I of the interaction with the SRG and within WPs that have stakeholder sub-groups | WP7 | GEOMAR | R | 18 | LINK |
D7.5 | Report II of the interaction with the SRG and within WPs that have stakeholder sub-groups | WP7 | GEOMAR | R | 30 | LINK |
D7.6 | Report III of the interaction with the SRG and within WPs that have stakeholder sub-groups | WP7 | GEOMAR | R | 46 | LINK |
D7.7 | Specialized protocol for responsible research and innovation on ocean-based NETs | WP7 | UOXF | R | 46 | LINK |
D7.8 | Report on mesocosm experimentation deliberative workshops with stakeholders | WP7 | UOXF | R | 36 | LINK |
D7.9 | Report on a sustainable development goals framework for oceanbased NET evaluation | WP7 | GEOMAR | R | 36 | LINK |
D7.10 | Assessment of the social and political acceptability, affordability and feasibility, and societal implications of utilizing ocean-based NETs | WP7 | IfW | R | 46 | <LINK> |
D7.11 | Assessment of oceanbased NET CDR potentials and impacts after accounting for environmental and biogeochemical constraints | WP7 | GEOMAR | R | 46 | <LINK> |
D7.12 | Transdisciplinary assessment of the natural and societal dimensions of oceanbased negative emissions | WP7 | GEOMAR | R | 46 | <LINK> |
D8.1 | Data management plan | WP8 | GEOMAR | ORDP | 6 | LINK |
D8.2 | Ready to use implementation of project’s data portal with catalogue for findability, common services (SFTP,OPeNDAP) and persistent identifier for accessibility and interoperability | WP8 | GEOMAR | Web etc. | 6 | LINK |
D8.3 | Periodic report on available data | WP8 | GEOMAR | R | 18 | LINK |
D8.4 | Periodic report on available data II | WP8 | GEOMAR | R | 30 | LINK |
D8.5 | Periodic report on available data III | WP8 | GEOMAR | R | 46 | <LINK> |
D9.1 | Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of results (PEDR) | WP9 | GEOMAR | R | 3 | LINK |
D9.2 | International Scientific Advisory Board members list and a Terms of Reference list | WP9 | GEOMAR | R | 3 | LINK |
D9.3 | Project poster and flyer | WP9 | GEOMAR | Web etc. | 3 | LINK |
D9.4 | Periodic Report 1 on cooperation activities | WP9 | GEOMAR | R | 18 | LINK |
D9.5 | Periodic Report 2 on cooperation activities | WP9 | GEOMAR | R | 30 | LINK |
D9.6 | Periodic Report 3 on cooperation activities | WP9 | GEOMAR | R | 46 | <LINK> |
D10.1 | H – Requirement No. 1 | WP10 | GEOMAR | Ethics | 3 | LINK |
D10.2 | POPD – Requirement No. 2 | WP10 | GEOMAR | Ethics | 3 | LINK |
D10.3 | NEC – Requirement No. 3 | WP10 | GEOMAR | Ethics | 3 | LINK |